For Earth Hour this year, the World Wide Fund for Nature in South Africa (WWF-SA) urged us as consumers to consider the choices we make about food, water and energy, and the effect our choices have on the environment. It highlighted 10 facts you should know about water that might change the way you use this precious resource.
2. 40% of South Africa’s freshwater ecosystems are in critical condition and 80% are threatened. In addition, 82% of our rivers are under threat.
3. What are the main threats?
- mining activities that cause acid mine drainage
- alien vegetation that invades natural biodiversity
- climate change impacts like higher temperatures, which increase evaporation rates and make plants need more water.
5. We also consume water indirectly in the food we eat and things we buy. Here’s a look at how much water it takes to produce common items:
- 1 litre petrol – 15 litres of water
- a 5-minute shower – 100 litres of water
- a glass of beer – 300 litres of water
- a beef burger – 1 100 litres of water
- a cotton shirt – 2 900 litres of water
- a pair of jeans – 11 000 litres of water
- 1 litre petrol – 15 litres of water
8. Less than 1% of the water treated by public water systems is used for drinking and cooking. At our current rate of consumption we’ll run out of fresh drinking water by 2030.
9. Some 37% of water is lost from leaks in city pipes. In 2013, water leaks cost South Africa a whopping R7.2 billion.
10. Use rainwater channelled from gutters or from a rain water tank to minimise the losses from piped systems. It’s untreated water so it has a lower carbon footprint too.
And remember, water doesn’t just come from a tap. Follow the journey of water to find out more.
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