If you suffer from motion sickness, a long car journey may not be your idea of fun. Few things can ruin a trip as effectively as breaking into a cold sweat, turning deathly white (or green!), feeling dizzy and nauseous, even vomiting. Here are 10 tips for preventing motion sickness on a road trip.
2. Try to focus on the horizon straight ahead of you; don’t look from side to side or turn around to talk to passengers in the back seat.
3. Don’t read in the car – not even a map; let someone else navigate.
4. Avoid heavy meals before travelling, and steer clear of fatty or spicy foods and alcohol.
6. Try not to be anxious about it because this just increases the likelihood that you’ll feel queasy.
7. Get plenty of fresh air by opening a window.
8. For children, travel games that don’t involve looking down make good diversions. Anything that requires looking out the window (e.g. car spotting) is suitable, as are word or rhyme games.
10. Travel with a leak-proof container in case of emergencies that sneak up on you before you can pull the car over and stop. If all else fails, remember P.J. O’Rourke’s advice in his book Modern Manners: ‘There is no way to make vomiting courteous. You have to do the next best thing, which is to vomit in such a way that the story you tell about it later will be amusing.’
Do you have any tips to add to this list? Add your ideas in the comments below.
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