I love books almost as much as I love travel and wildlife, so the chance to combine the passions is always a treat. We can’t spend every minute on the road on in the bush, but books are a fabulous substitute, a way to travel vicariously, no matter where you are. Here’s my pick of 5 books about travel and wildlife that are definitely worth a look.

by Chris Marais and Julienne du Toit
MLM Publishers R275
Explore the Karoo, its people, places, festivals and nature in this well-written collection of Karoo vignettes brought to life by wonderful photographs. Interesting, well written and quirky, it's guaranteed to make you want to set out on a Karoo road trip of your own.
Website - where to buy

by Greg du Toit
HPH Publishing R590
Greg du Toit recently won the 2013 Wildlife Photographer of the Year award in the competition run by the Natural History Museum in London and the BBC. This book is the result of his quest to find what he calls ‘Livingstone’s Africa’. He visited places like the Okavango Delta and the Serengeti, but also explored off the beaten track. The book combines beautiful photos with explanatory excerpts from his journal. If you’re a keen wildlife photographer, his images will make you deeply envious.
Website - where to buy

by David Bristow and Colin Bell
Green Safari Publishing R795
A beautiful and inspiring book on the most sustainable and responsible safari destinations across the continent of Africa. You’ll learn a lot about what sustainability means and how you can promote it by supporting lodges that practise its principles.
It costs R1100 in retail stores, but you can get it for R795 (excl postage) from the website below, or email [email protected].
Website - where to buy
Read my post about Gamkaberg Nature Reserve’s eco-lodges, which are among only 7 in South Africa to make the top 50 list compiled by Africa’s Finest.

by Philip, Ingrid and Heinrich van den Berg
HPH Publishing R490
Mammals are the stars of most game drive experiences. This book profiles 90 of the species most commonly seen in Southern Africa, with superb photos and an easy-to-read text that gives you some facts about each of them to enhance your experience without overwhelming you.

by Jacques Marais (ebook)
MapStudio R200
This ebook profiles 150 towns across South Africa, from Arniston to Zeerust, giving fast facts, a location map and GPS co-ordinates. It also lists the top ten things to do in each of the towns, big or small – places of interest, historic sites, restaurants, festivals, mountain bike routes, hikes, horse riding and more.