This is what I love about the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Even if you come at exactly the same time of year, two years in a row, your experience will be as different as a banana is from a barrel of bugs. Late February/early March 2012 was green-green and festooned with flowers; this year the rains were late and the veld was khaki-coloured and dry, very dry.
Eland can go for quite a while without water, getting moisture from plants instead. But they will drink when they can. And then they must be easy prey for lazy lions. We counted at least a dozen carcasses between Twee Rivieren and Kij-Kij waterhole, with three apiece littering the veld around the waterholes of Samevloeing and Houmoed. Even lions, vultures, hyenas and jackals can’t completely hoover up this kind of windfall.
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