There’s something pornographic about lions making whoopee. They do it so often and are so focused that they don’t give a fig who’s watching, man or beast. And so it is with mating Kgalagadi lions.
Any porn star who needs Viagra should watch and learn; a lion gets it on every 10 to 15 minutes, usually for three or four days at a stretch. And that’s pretty impressive.
Best of all, for most of the time, we had them all to ourselves.
At the end, she just gave a pathetic small moan before rolling over onto her side, one hind leg in the air. He jumped off with a snarl or half-roar and went to lie nearby to get his strength back.
When he realised she wasn’t going to stop, he came bounding after her as fresh as a cub, then followed so close he just about tripped over her feet. And then – you guessed it – they went at it yet again.
- lions copulate around 3 000 times for every cub that survives to one year old
- a female in oestrus is a bit of a strumpet who'll allow any adult male to mount her
- many couplings are needed to stimulate ovulation
- oestrus lasts an average of four days, during which couples will bonk up to eight times an hour, each effort lasting about 20 seconds.
One lion researchers studied went at it 157 times in 55 hours, with two different females. Wow. I’m betting no Arnold Schwarzenpecker, Long Dong Silver or other porn star can equal or better that!
Have you ever watched lions mate in the wild? Share your experience in the comments below.
More about the Kgalagadi
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