If you’re travelling to the far north-western Kunene region (Kaokoveld) of Namibia, you’re most likely looking for an off-the-beaten-track adventure and an encounter with the Himba nomadic pastoralists. What you might not know is that there’s an underlying story here that connects the scent of the Himba in Namibia with a Fair Trade manufacturer in the Western Cape of South Africa.
It will be an artisanal perfume range and it's hoped to introduce it time for Mother’s Day in 2015. [It was introduced in September 2015, see comments below.] The project was delayed because of hiccups in the design of the perfume bottle. ‘It’s unique and very special,’ says Rain owner Bev Missing. ‘It’s made of porcelain and it has been a nightmare to get the lid and base to seal properly because clay shrinks when it’s fired.’
‘Around 70 kilograms of raw material produces 5 litres of essential oil,’ says Scents of Namibia’s Jeckey Kasaona. The facility can produce up to 1 000 litres a year, and sells both the omumbiri oil and mopane oil to Rain and other manufacturers in southern Africa, the EU and the Americas.
Find a Rain Africa store near you in South Africa or New York. You can also shop online.
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